Thursday, March 7, 2013

AE86 Night

<p>Last night I went over to JBoy's to go see some carnage.

Carnage indeed. He got in a fight with a mountain and obviously the mountain won.  Went up the side of a mountain, spun him, rear kept going up, flipped, rolled, and did a 360 the opposite way on the roof. Even the car was sad, as you can see from the sad face the whole incident left on his quarter panel.

A few days later, he found another shell which visually was almost identical from his, without the battle scars. He was already getting it ready for the transplant and swapping all the other goodies over.

Oh Lucky was over there also taking JBoy's old carpet lol

They had another friend, Justin, over with his white coupe. 4 white coupes in one residence was a sight to see lol.

After all the fun at JBoy's Palace of Wonders, I went over to the Li house to see what was up with Dino's car.

Something missing? 3 or 4 wastegates later, he finally found out it was his turbo that was going out lol.

Everyone has been putting work in. Streets better be ready this summer.

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